New year,New beginning,outings,shopping as well as friend's birthday celebrations.
This time im gonna blog about my buddy's birthday!
He is Vincent Lim Yeong Sheng!
We knew each other for like soooo long and im glad dat we all are still so close cuz i hardly contact and hang out with them ever since I went 2 KL for my further studies.
Whenever we meet,we still have alot of topics to talk to.
We dont feel awkward at all.
Anyway,i hope u had a blast on dat day and goodluck in ur future undertakings my dearest fren!=)
This is the present for the birthday boy from all of us!
Look at the wrapper!
its so UNIQUE,NICE, and yet SPECIAL rite?*see Vincent's pathetic face*
It was Lim Chun Yian's idea!
So Vincent was so excited and he unwrap the present layer by layer.
fyi,there are a few layers u knoe!
see how creative chun yian is!=P
Taa dahh!!
The present was finally unwrapped!
its a box!
guess wad's inside>>????
A bottle of Mineral water and empty box!!!lol!!!
he was like *doinkkkkk*
bengang dy!
According to Shaun and Chun Yian,dat wan was the so called fake present!hahaha!
here comes the real present!
looks presentable yeah!haha!
Im not very sure wat it is but i think its something like a hard disk!
so hope u like it vincent!=))
I think he likes this present la,see his smiley face!lega abit dy!just now looked so =.="!haha!
Pretty people!=)
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