Im having my so called 2 weeks of semester break u know!!
Whats the damn point of having holidays when we keep on have to submit assignments n "prepare" for the upcoming ones???
I have an important presentation which is on 5th of May which is also gonna be my dying joke
2mrw only plan what to do.
Damn lazy now
Gonna transform my bad habits into good habits someday.(hope it will come true)=P
When I see this picture in my computer,
Taa daah!!
a smile on my face!
My brown furry kid is so scared of the other dog!So he hide beside my bro and he dont dare 2 move!Then, the white furry kid chased after him and humped him!he was traumatised!FYI,both of them are male!
I have no idea why my kid is so so so so so so scared of the white Shih Tzu.Maybe its eyes are too big???haha!
Both of them are so adorable and they r born in the same year!

This is the "stewpid-est" post ever!!
Picture of the day!=)